Review Michael covel

Independent reviews required on trading  mentors-educators-coaches.The reviews on forums are biased and can often be made by forum stooges , subordinates and accomplices of scammers.

Who is Michael Covel?
Michael Covel is author ,teacher  and educator through his books.

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                    The Basics of Trend Trading

How to Draw Charts: Trend Lines for Beginners

How to Plot and Draw Support and Resistance - For Beginners

               t/a Market timing versus predicting roulette
               Trend trading failure of trend breakouts

 People who are able to do something well can do that thing for a living, while people who are not able to do anything that well make a living by teaching.

 People who are able to do something well can do that thing for a living, while people who are not able to do anything that well make a living by teaching.

waste of time and money

We are always cautious on book educators and book mentors , because if they had the holy grail of trading   , they would be billionaires.They would not be selling education, if they can trade and make money.Read compounding billionaires.

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